Advanced Transformation
6 Week Master Course
$349 Value

Fortunate people, enlightened people, and successful, inspired people, all share something in common. They have discovered something that enables them to experience a brilliantly wealthy and successful, happy life.

After twenty years Michele put together the most comprehensive step by step instructional video course to assist you to once and for all remove old habits and you will create what only 3% of this world ever creates. True Lasting Success and Higher Consciousness. Your life will transform 360 degrees when you follow Michele’s fun and focused steps. This course will take you beyond anything you have ever experienced before.

Affirmation Power Book Audio Book
$29.95 Value


Now you can listen to the Audio Book version. You may prefer to listen and enrich your mind, while you are driving, exercising or just doing your chores.

When you start feeding your mind positive thoughts, you will attract creative ideas, perfect opportunities, and wonderful people. Yes, you become a magnet to wonderful experiences, including money. Then, the secret is to take action. When opportunities arrive, get up, and take action. Then, and only then can you be a catalyst to show others how to experience the same. Be the example. Think about what you say. Know that you are creating your tomorrows with your thoughts today.

The Mystical Experience - 2 months
$100 Value

A Desire to Awaken.  Millions of people right now are experiencing a yearning and desire to awaken to their unique gifts and offer them in service to the world — while living a life of joy and fulfillment. It’s a surging of the Enlightenment of spirit, that is your truth, a virtual global awakening, on a scale never observed before.

Join people from all over the world every other week either through the telephone OR the Webinar AND receive powerful Light Energy Transmissions. This is also the time to have your questions answered.

The Truth is 99% of the people born on this beautiful planet have waited a long time to have this experience. An opportunity to awaken to their Divine Consciousness.

Everyone wants to become truly FREE!. I always thought it was only saints and old gray-haired or bald-headed Holy men who could be Enlightened. That is not the Truth EVERYONE can become Free. I know this because I have become free and now I dedicate my life to others becoming free and also enjoying their journey towards freedom through teaching how they can become more successful and happier right now. Happier in every area of their life starting with their soul.

Total $479$97

I was one of the lucky ones that got to participate in one of Michele’s live events. I had a surge of energy in my head and then, that energy turned in to a tingling feeling inside my brain, as if it was activating my brain cells. It felt wonderful and all my thoughts stopped as well. When I watched her aura turned to white light and I could feel it in my third eye area. Truly amazing!
William Scannell from Ireland

Michele, being part of the Live event was amazing! I felt the Shakti so strong and beautiful. It filled me with such bliss. All I did during the whole two days was smile. When you sent the Light Transmission I saw your beautiful aura rise above your crown Chakra, your face was so bright and filled with so much light, I never thought it possible. I AM ever so grateful for this experience. I pray for those who seek the truth to find this, this joy, this Divine Jewel. It is there!
Elizabeth Stewart from New York

I AM so grateful for the AWESOME Live event. It was worth everything to fly all the way from New Caledonia. I feel so peaceful, full of Divine Light and so happy to start my first day of work with so much Divine Vibration to reach my goals and to have more and more Divine in ME than ME. Really I don’t have words for how I feel. Thank you Michele.
Charles Fels from New Caledonia

Receiving the Light transmissions at this amazing event seemed to super-charge the results as I followed the instructions to change my life, both inside and out. It gave me a liberating sense of renewal. I came out of it changed and freed from old-me limitations. This was a very valuable experience for me and I am so thankful to you Michele.
Hemat from Sydney Australia