“Millions of people right now are experiencing a yearning and desire to awaken to their unique gifts and offer them in service to the world — while living a life of joy and fulfillment. It’s a surging of the Enlightenment of spirit, that is your truth, a virtual global awakening, on a scale never observed before” -Michele
You Are Here to Become Enlightened
To become Enlightened is why you’re here and there are so many things that you can be doing to assist you. The number one reason that people don’t become free and Enlightened or things aren’t going well in their life is because they’re losing energy. You have to oscillate at a faster vibration and have more energy in order to advance.
Fully Enlightened Teacher Are Rare On This Planet
- Only Enlightened Teachers can raise their students vibration when they transmit pure divine spiritual energy.
- Enlightened Teachers can give you the energy to help you advance faster on the path to self realization. On your own it would take many, many years longer to feel the spiritual progress.
- This teaching is done, not verbally but through the transmsission of light so that your soul receives the light directly.
- Receiving this light melts away old hurts and pains from old experiences in relationships and hardships. This is done in order to progress faster towards Spritual Freedom.
- Its a blessing to receive this light from them because it will save you thousands of hours of frustration trying to figure this out on your own. This light will guide you in the right direction towards blissful, joyful states of mind.
- Enlightened Beings merge with the mind of eternity and they can direct this light towards their students. Reliving them of suffering and clearing the way for a joyful existence, full of light and bliss and Freedom
- Whenever you connect with an Enlightened Being, you feel a great spiritual warmth radiating from deep within their heart. You might see their body radiate with light and feel a great love and immense calming presence
After Many Years Of Meditating Michele Regained Her Own Enlightenment
The 2nd edition of this amazing book, by the best selling authors Bob Proctor (teacher of The Secret & Beyond The Secret) and Michele Blood, is destined to become a classic for millions of seekers of Truth and Success Principles.
This book covers the basics through to the highest levels of consciousness. 247 pages of mesmerizing information that anyone can understand. People who enjoy this book have created great success in their lives and relationships. Anyone desiring to become free and stop the groundhog day s of unfulfilled, daily repetitions can do so through the tools, ideas, and magic of this book.
Professional Testimonials
"Michele Blood is truly a special person. For over three decades, I have made serious study of the mind and how to live a full and balanced life. I have taught tens of thousands of people around the world how to properly utilize their God-given potential, and then along came Michele Blood. She had a very positive impact on my life, for which I am truly grateful! She made me aware of unique methods for realizing more power by effectively combining affirmations and music. Invest in her entire library and let this petite powerhouse show you a fast and effective way to enjoy more of life’s rich rewards. I enthusiastically introduce Michele Blood and her wonderful work to every audience. Order her material today! Share Michele and MusiVation™ discovery with your world; they will thank you with sincere gratitude."

"My experience with Michele's material is that it works almost instantly. You will notice an immediate change in the way that you think and feel. You will notice an immediate change in the way you act, and react, and respond. It activates your reticular cortex. You begin to see possibilities that you hadn't seen before, and you may even see results within twenty-four hours. Many people do. Well, what she's done is she's been able to infuse the most important messages of success together with music. She's been able to infuse them with music so that they actively go in and affect the subconscious mind and bring about permanent behavior change. And that's the critical thing in success and achievement."

Customer Testimonials
The most amazing thing about it is, that when you connect to this energy to help someone. You are really raising your own connection and consciousness so fast. I am growing in vibration and feeling alive inside.

I experienced the profound awareness of “There is only NOW” and everything is an illusion except Enlightenment. Nothing else is real. Thank you for the Light Transmissions with the Divine through you.

"I want to say Thank You So Much for all that you’re doing. I really so much appreciate, love and cherish every call, CD, DVD, events, etc… You’ve made my life alive again. Thank you, Thank you"
Raise Your Vibration & Bring
More Joy Into Your Life
We all aim to be in harmony, happy and successful in our careers, finances, relationships and to then be a positive ripple of light for our world. Enlightenment is the natural evolution for all sentient beings and that means YOU, Right Here and RIGHT NOW!