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Think Positive: 11 Ways to Boost Your Positive Thinking

The complete guide to positive thinking, according to Michele Blood.

Hi my name is Michele Blood and you are reading this because you are ready, ready to learn about the power of your magnificent mind. You can use these powers to draw to you just like a magnet. All of the things that you could ever need, want or desire. Now, this powerful spirit that I am has been given the greatest gift of all. Now what is this gift? The greatest gift of all is the ability to think, yes to think, raise and choose. Yes, think and as we think we are also creating Napoleon Hill, the author of thinking grow rich said thoughts are things.

That’s right. This is a powerful statement that when truly understood and believed will change your life because you will become aware of everything you say. Thoughts really are things. Everything we think about creates our new reality out tomorrows and you know what? As subconscious mind thinks in pictures.

1. Visualize

That is why it is so important and powerful to visualize what we desire to experience in this blessed life. Literally to paint the picture of our dreams into the treasury of our subconscious mind. What is it that we desire in our life? There are so many different and wonderful ways to reprogram our subconscious mind.

Visualize what it is that you truly desire in your life. Visualize big! Said that it is no longer wishful thinking. You have the power to use your powerful gift of thought to create, good in your life. So, if you’re really ready and I know you are, you would not even be listening to this right now. Take the time. This is your life. Stop wasting it. Begin living it to the fullest. The mind, Oh my goodness, the mind, the mind is so powerful. We have our conscious mind and we have our subconscious mind. Now our conscious mind has two areas. One area is the left side and that is the analytical logical side. Now, this portion of the mind takes in all the words you say and he, and then we have our right side of our mind and that is the creative side. This is the side that dust doesn’t hear the music.


2. Look At Your Thoughts

Please NEVER underestimate the power your thoughts and the power of what you say. No matter how you are feeling, always remember to smile. It takes half as many muscles to smile as it does to frown. Look at yourself in the mirror. Make a funny face. SMILE!You must know at once and without any doubt that you are the one who is choosing fear, phobia, superstition, or sad-ness. Everything you created is through your previous thinking. If you want to know what thoughts you had yesterday, look at your life today, your body shape, your relationships, and your financial situation. How will your tomorrows look? Your body? Your rela-tionships? Your finances? It’s quite simple. You know the secret now! LOOK AT YOUR THOUGHTS TODAY. Emotions show up in the body as physical manifestations of your thoughts.

3. Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Positive changes can be created in moments. The level and emotions you feel can speed up your changes. Willpower by itself is not enough; not if you want to achieve lasting changes. Every morning as soon as you wake up, jump out of bed, stretch your body, and take twenty nice deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Be sure to exercise and meditate. Just get up one hour earlier. You will have more energy with less sleep. This will help you clear your mind to be ready for a bright new day. Feel the eternal life force flowing through you. Make a commitment to constantly improve yourself.

When watching TV, say for example, your conscious mind does not have a chance to reject it because your mind is open and your just there watching. You can’t say oh no, yes, that is possible for me. For another example someone else might say to you, you are an extremely wealthy, creative, happy person and if you don’t feel right now that that is the truth for you, you may say that’s not the truth and reject it.

So it never gets to go into your subconscious mind because what happened was the all data came up from your subconscious mind that said, that’s not true. You don’t even know if you’ve got enough rent for the month. You always spend more than you make. You don’t have a creative bone in your body. When’s the last time you went dancing? See, this old thinking comes up today. Right now, we are going to release this old thinking and recreate new, powerful, positive thoughts into your subconscious mind.

What has been happening for most of us is we recreate  old pictures. You can always find someone who always finds a great job, who always has a great relationship and wonderful friends. Now you know why they have learned either unconsciously or consciously how to use this power. Now, what I would like you to obey is conscious competence. Some people are unconscious competence and they are doing quite well. Thank you. However, once you know what you’ve been doing consciously, you can have such a quickening of being able to utilize these great power of your mind for good in your life for much more good and much faster because there is so much good in this world to enjoy and it’s yours to use, right?

4. Have A Desire To Change Your Life

Now, even if the words that I am now saying sound ridiculous and totally illogical to you, don’t worry about that. All you need to know is that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Do you, let me ask you this question. Really. Do you truly desire to improve your life, to be able to give your children if you have children, the education that they deserve, to be able to travel this beautiful world wherever, whenever you please to be able to do what you love to do and create money from it? Well, if that’s a yes, this program is the beginning, so please, all I ask of you is be open minded. This is all I desire for you to be urban minded so that you can begin a new way of thinking. So do your own thinking, not what the television has programmed you or the radio or negative newspapers or things that you were taught in school that did not serve you in today’s modern world of constant change and definitely not what neighbors or what other people think you should do.

Stop letting people shoot on you. Do your own thinking. Yes. Think for yourself. Terry Cole Whitaker, a wonderful lady, has a great book out called what other people think of me is none of my business. I highly recommend that you read this wonderful book because most people aren’t even thinking about you. They’re thinking about past events. They’re thinking about themselves. Okay? Some people do choose to get into the very negative brainless occupation, sometimes referred to as gossip. That’s their reality. They not thinking and when you have nothing to think about, you are not creating. We talk about other people and what they are doing. We watch soap operas about ordinary people with ridiculously negative lives. It is ridiculous. It’s rubbish. This must be stopped. If we decide to be truly happy and fulfilled an ally, we must stop this insane worrying about what other people think of us.

Plus, we must also stop judging what others do. What other people do is their business not ours. He see it does go both ways. Simply allow this program to assist you in developing new thoughts, creating new positive, abundant thoughts.  Don’t look at what your appearance is on now in your life in a negative way. Focus and give thanks about what he’s good. I always give thanks for my comfortable bed. Sometimes something as simple as gratitude for the things we have that we may take for granted can change our whole perspective on things. Focus also on that which you choose to improve. Say right now, I know that the truth for me is that all things are possible. Come on, say it. I know that the truth for me is that all things are possible.

5. Money Is Energy

Money is simply energy. It is a force, and a power that is part of life, including the seen and the unseen, which is con-stantly moving and growing. Money in and of itself is not bad or good; it just allows us more FREEDOM.
So why do we get so crazy over this thing called money? Think of the ways we get consumed by money – we worry about having it, not having it, hoarding it, hiding it, and handing it to others. We lose our sleep, teeth, hair, friends, and sanity. We suf-fer from chronic seriousness over money. People who think about money the most are usually the ones who don’t have much money. The most successful happy, wealthy people I know are continuously thinking of new and creative ideas and ways to up-lift other people. Because of this, they’re always attracting more money. They are people of action. Even some people who have a lot of money become overly obsessed, and the result leads to unhappiness. I know you want balance in your life, and to be healthy, wealthy, and happy. Please do not listen to other peoples’ opinions, especially from those who say that money is evil. That is not true. As I mentioned, money is simply energy. Don’t infringe upon others by giving them your opinions. Honor others by keeping your mouth shut. Everyone is on their individual spiritual journey. Be persistent! I know the magnificent spirit that you are. We all are from one mind; individualized creations of the Eternal Holy Light. Nothing is impossible with God. And as the beautiful Enlightened Mother Meera says so perfectly, “God wants you to have everything that will bring you happiness.”

6. The Power of Affirmations

An affirmation is, an affirmation is, yes; it is something you say repeatedly. It is a statement of word, thought, feeling, or action which confirms a belief system or patterning that we hold in our subconscious mind. Now, these can be negative or posi-tive. It’s up to you to decide to choose negative or positive thoughts. For example, “I am miserable because my hair is falling out.” Or, “I am now so happy because I no longer need my hair-cut.” You see, it’s all perspective. Your subconscious mind be-lieves everything you tell it. The subconscious mind is subjective. If you tell it enough, it believes and manifests that thought and positive state of mind into your reality. From now on, choose only positive statements. Repeat them over and over again. Your affirmations must always be stated in the now. Remember, the subconscious only knows now. If you say, “I wish to be rich and healthy,” your subconscious will never know when you want it as you are only wishing. Instead say, I am now! abundantly rich and healthy because I am earning more money every day and my income always exceeds my needs. Extra money comes to me every week through Divine Magical Happy Ways. You see, as far as your subconscious is concerned, every-thing is now. So, saying you want to be or you’re going to be, or you wish to be, isn’t now. You must always state it in the now, then set your goal and be specific. Say right NOW: “I am strong I am beautiful I only attract good in my life”

You become a magnet to what you are affirming. You are what you think about because thoughts become things. As you are reading this, if anything stands out, underline it. The more you understand, the more magnetic you become as your vibra-tion quickens. When you use positive affirmations, you are feed-ing your subconscious with positive programming or condition-ing. The process is simply planting good seeds of thought instead of bad. If you plant a strawberry seed, strawberries will grow. If you plant negative thoughts, only negative conditions will mani-fest.
Affirmations, as well as your goals, must be felt and be-lieved. If they can’t be felt and believed, use my affirmation songs or make up your own songs. It might sound repetitive, but I truly want you to get it, whatever your “it” is. Become magnetic with positive thoughts. Manifest your good now. Singing along to musical affirmations is very powerful and so fast as every word plants itself straight into your subcon-scious mind. Even if you are simply listening to the music, allow it to go around and around in your mind. I know what I prefer to be planting in my mind. Writing down your affirmations is also very powerful, as you are using most of your senses. Write these down a minimum of fifteen times every day, so that they will grow into a beautiful tree of prosperous thoughts.

7. Know What You Want

When you begin to write, listen, and sing your affirmations, make sure you are affirming what you want and not what you don’t want. Here is an example, instead of saying, “I don’t want to be fat anymore,” say instead, I am now at my perfect weight, looking good and feeling great! Create more joy and fun in your life. Life wasn’t meant to be serious, and making money wasn’t meant to be serious. Life is happening now, and you are here to enjoy every single moment. Your subconscious mind is a very obedient servant. Be clear that what you ask for is what you truly want to manifest. Otherwise, edit it from your mind. My good friend Bob Proctor has taught me a very quick and easy way to get a negative thought from the mind. Simply say, “Next!” Next, affirmations are the foundation of your building. Think of it that way. The building is your goal, and your intention is to create. The affirmations support the building so that you can and will achieve all of your most loved goals. Continually feed yourself good thoughts, build up that foundation. You deserve the best! Say right now, I am the best! “I ______________am the best.” Add your name.

8. You Are Abundantly Unlimited.

Only allow yourself to hear good news; be grateful, read positive books, listen to positive people, and positive music. Very soon, you will find you are attracting, just like a magnet, other positive people and positive opportunities. Actually, negative people may feel uncomfortable around you. Please never be concerned about what people think of you. Most people are only thinking about their own life, and not yours. As Terry Cole Whittaker says, “What other people think of me is none of my business.” You are a part of a universe that is abundantly unlimited. Therefore, being part of this universe, you are abundantly unlimited. Take a look at all the stars in the sky, the leaves on the trees, the grains of sand on the beach, as well as plants and animal life. We are living in absolute abundance. It is almost as if it were over-abundant. There is waste everywhere, and whoever told you that money doesn’t grow on trees? Rubbish! Money does grow on trees. One form of money is what? That’s right. Paper. What is paper made from? Yes, trees. Now other forms of money are gold, silver, copper, nickel, diamonds, opals, emeralds, and many more riches from our abundant Mother Earth. It is a recy-cling of nature into new energy forms and exchange.

9. Your Thoughts Are Powerful

When you start feeding your mind positive thoughts, you will attract creative ideas, perfect opportunities, and absolutely wonderful people. Yes, you become a magnet to all good experiences, including money. Then, the secret is to take action. When opportunities arrive, get up and take action. Then, and only then can you be a catalyst to show others how to experience the same. Be the example. Think about what you say. Know that you are creating your tomorrows with your thoughts today. Yes, I am repeating myself again for this is the so-called big secret. I love you, and I know you can do it. We are all from one mind. Feel the love I have for you and the love you have for yourself. We are from the same universe, and the same God of Love. I also recommend you work out regularly as this will also raise your vibration and exercise makes one feel more positive.

10. Be With Like-Minded Positive People

Only be with like-minded, happy, positive people. Go to seminars and workshops, and surround yourself in success. Surround yourself in abundance. If you must be with people whose energy is low or negative to you, change your thoughts about them. Everyone feels down sometimes, so have some compassion because the reason people get down is because they are in fear. You don’t have to hang out with them, however, don’t be so judgmental. We are all part of the omnipresent Divine. You will probably find as you change your thoughts about people, you will think they have changed. In reality, it is YOU who changes. Find something sincere to say to everyone, even if it is something as simple as, “How are the children?” or, “You’re wearing a nice tie today.” Every-body wants and needs to be acknowledged. So, begin today by acknowledging yourself. Say right now, “I acknowledge myself and know my thoughts are powerful.” Write in your name: I, _________acknowledge myself and I know my thoughts are powerful.

11.  Listen To That Inner Voice

There is a still, small voice each of us has and it is our spiritual guide, and it goes beyond what we think intuition is. True consciousness has no thought. It is pure knowingness. If we wish to begin to gain a more conscious connection with our Divine Presence, we must meditate, which is why I added the chapter on basic meditation. Until we are in the silence, we are only practicing meditation. In today’s world, there are over seven billion minds thinking, and we are taking on their thoughts. Without going into the silence, we can find it very hard to focus our mind, and this is one of the main reasons we get so stressed out and do our best to slip into something more comfortable like a collective coma by distracting our minds with hours upon hours of mesmerizing TV. Most of the world is in a collective coma, which is also sometimes called the maya, and most people don’t even know. They think they are awake. Fear and lack do not live in pure consciousness it only lives in duality. One simple way to see whether we are rising in consciousness is to notice if we are becoming less reactionary. When we react, our ego still has dominion over our lives. When we notice that we are now witnessing life rather than reacting, we are gaining awareness. Respond, be in the moment before we react, and then our actions that follow will be right actions.

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The Magic of Affirmation Power


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The Magic of Affirmation Power
