The Mystical Experience
There is something within you that seeks perfection, that seeks absorption and until that occurs to you, you’ll never rest and you’ll never really know peace.
If you are not living an ecstatic life filled with joy and bliss on a daily basis, there is only one reason. Many of us don’t realize how much our life is affected by the progress we make spiritually. Every aspect of our lives are improved when we make jumps in our spiritual world.
You will be prepared to be in that all loving, powerful, Divine Light and you will never be the same again. Your true Divine Presence will be revealed.
From: Michele Blood
San Diego, California
Dear Seeker,
After being away for many years seeking, I’ve had the good fortune of having my
Enlightenment return. My own Liberation and Self-Realization.
I received the help from my Enlightened teacher. I would sit and meditate with her and I would reach a very high level of consciousness. Then I would go home and meditate and try and reach that on my own. Through continuous exposure to her Enlightened energy I was able to attain my own Enlightenment.
I’m a Conduit now.
I am continuing this role for you.
Through these enlightened transmissions during this 2 day event you can be transformed.
Other events you go down in energy but with this event, the Light Transmissions stay with you.

An Energy Light Transmission
Authentic, self realized teachers are rare and can do something regular teachers cannot do.
They can transfer energy directly to the student. They can do this because they have spent thousand of hours and lifetimes advancing in meditation and now have access to high vibrating energy, not only for themselves, but for others in order to advance them quickly. That’s why this is such a special event.
The Light Transmissions at the Event
During this Two day event, Michele will be transmitting light to you as you listen to her teach. In addition, there will be formal times of intense light transmissions. During these times, Michele will be meditating deeply in the light and directing that light to you. (2 Formal Light Transmission per Day)

“My Journey has taken me all over the world and I’m here now to help others attain their Self-Realization”
Michele’s Worldwide Journey
Michele began her journey as a successful, multi-talented lady. She created and produced MusiVation™ products and seminars worldwide.
Her public Mystical Success Events have been held in over 16 countries. Her largest audience was 50,000 in Kuala Lumpur.
She has shared the stage with Dr. Deepak Chopra, Delis Reese, Bob Proctor, Dr Wayne Dyer and many other world experts.

Michele’s Was Searching for More
Michele was searching more than just outward success. She yearned for that Divine Oneness. She searched for a teacher worldwide that could teacher her, but she was disappointed many times. She finally met an Enlightenment teacher after 25 years of searching. One that glowed with the gold light of Eternity. One that was fully Enlightened and that could show her how to fully awaken. After years of meditating and learning the from her, Michele did it! She attained her own Divine Oneness.
Michele is now returning to the world to teach others how to do the same. To those that are sincerely seeking and want out of pain of the world. To those that want to live in higher, blissful states of mind.
Venue and Rooms
Special Discounted Rates for your room. Just $125 a night for this exquisite hotel. Call and book your nights directly to receive the discount 1 (858) 481-5900. .
Just say you are with “The Mystical Experience Event” to receive the fantastic room rate. Do this fast as we only have a certain number of rooms blocked out at this rate.

Click here if you wish to book online go to this special link JUST for our event.
If the above link will not allow you to book any dates that means all the discounted rooms are now booked. Please email us if you are interested in a discounted room and we will email you if any more become available. You can email us at
The Hotel is located 5 minutes from the Torrey Pines Beach and Hiking Trails.
"I've tried so many things over the years and every one of them failed. So many of them were useless and blown out of proportion" -William (Ireland) |
"Nothing has shifted me like being here with Michele. The kind of meditation and the way she teaches it, she talks about it as a gentle unfolding." -Bernadette (Australia) |
"I feel a lot of energy coming from my chakra. I don't understand, but I just know I feel and it's real and that's what's cool. AND I LOVE IT!" -Laura (Spain) |
"I was moved energetically where I actually experienced the Light." -Susanne (USA) |
Who is Teaching?
Michele Blood is a successful, multi-talented lady. In addition to creating MusiVation™ products and seminars worldwide, her public Mystical Success Events have been held in over 16 countries. Her largest audience was 50,000 in Kuala Lumpur.
After many years of meditation with her own Enlightened Teacher, Michele attained her own Enlightenment. She now transmits light to Awaken others and teaches how to live a Mystical Life and experience Divine Oneness, which is the heart of true happiness, success, and purpose in one’s life.
Why is Michele Teaching?
Michele has been Enlightened for over 10 years and now transmits this Light and teaches others how to also awaken. Her teaching methods are filled with joy, happiness, and laughter.
She shares the truth about mystical experiences that others hold as special secrets that are usually held back in the traditional world of Enlightenment. Michele doesn’t believe in keeping secrets. She believes in giving all the knowledge you need so that you too can become one with Eternity and become Enlightened in this lifetime.
What is Enlightenment?
Enlightenment is Divine Oneness or Divine Union and is the purpose of life.
The illusion of this world is where there is fear and ignorance. This dissolves in the clear Light of Truth where we all live but are too heavily veiled in what is called the Maya to see Truth.
What is a Light Transmission?
Most people are blocked and cannot reach their Divine Presence, let alone communicate or feel this magic within us. Michele connects you to your Higher Self and prays for you so that not only will your life experience be improved and uplifted, but the most important thing is that you can experience Higher Consciousness as this Light vibrates to a faster Divine Frequency. A fully Enlightened teacher teaches methods to improve your life.
What Should I Expect During These Two Days?
Expect to have a good time. Michele teaches through humor. That way, you are more open and receptive to be able to take in more Divine Light Energy (Shakti) that is being transmitted. You will also learn methods that will raise your levels of energy so you have more personal power to achieve your goals.
If you are not clear on a goal at this event, Michele will assist you to improve your present career. She will also guide you on how to add more streams of income. The more you raise your oscillation/vibration, the happier and more successful you will become.
On day two you will experience even more power. Each day builds on the next. You will also have formal periods of Light Transmissions to experience the Light more intensely.
5 Min from Torrey Pines State Beach
I was one of the lucky ones that got to participate in one of Michele’s live events. I had a surge of energy in my head and then, that energy turned in to a tingling feeling inside my brain, as if it was activating my brain cells. It felt wonderful and all my thoughts stopped as well. When I watched her aura turned to white light and I could feel it in my third eye area. Truly amazing!
William Scannell from Ireland
Michele, being part of the Live event was amazing! I felt the Shakti so strong and beautiful. It filled me with such bliss. All I did during the whole two days was smile. When you sent the Light Transmission I saw your beautiful aura rise above your crown Chakra, your face was so bright and filled with so much light, I never thought it possible. I AM ever so grateful for this experience. I pray for those who seek the truth to find this, this joy, this Divine Jewel. It is there!
Elizabeth Stewart from New York
I AM so grateful for the AWESOME Live event. It was worth everything to fly all the way from New Caledonia. I feel so peaceful, full of Divine Light and so happy to start my first day of work with so much Divine Vibration to reach my goals and to have more and more Divine in ME than ME. Really I don’t have words for how I feel. Thank you Michele.
Charles Fels from New Caledonia
Receiving the Light transmissions at this amazing event seemed to super-charge the results as I followed the instructions to change my life, both inside and out. It gave me a liberating sense of renewal. I came out of it changed and freed from old-me limitations. This was a very valuable experience for me and I am so thankful to you Michele.
Hemat from Sydney Australia