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There is a quote Michele includes in this book by Alexander Graham Bell. “When one door closes, another window opens.” I have been taught by Michele to see limitless possibilities of that we are pure consciousness in that of eternity. Michele is a light that shines by her own experiences of success and in this work lets us take that practical journey in doing the same, but in our own unique way. Mystical studies may seem abstract, but Michele through this work brings the practical “real world” experience into our own fruition from that which has already proved itself in her own life’s manifestation. Excellent work to look at again and again and use as a guide over many years of one’s life. Thank you, Michele.
First, I must admit that I knew of Michele’s affirmation work before this book was released and I have practiced her teaching with great results. So much so, that I feel that these affirmation teaching are life-changing and I know because this is what happens to me. My life before her affirmations and after is just so different. I used to wake up in the morning wanting to stay in bed longer, as my mind used to be saying to me, life is better here, than out there in the world. There was no life in my life, day after day, but since I have been practicing Michele’s affirmations, that she teaches in this book, Wow such a difference. I now wake up in the morning feeling so alive and so looking forward to my day.
These affirmations are so powerful that the voices in my head are all positive now, so much so, that now when I awake in the morning, I feel so good and alive like never before, even when the weather is bad outside. Before the voices in my head were all so negative, but it is like they are singing upbeat songs and I just want to dance with joy. I believe, I awaken the joy inside of me like never before with the practice of Michele’s Affirmations. Try it, what have you got to lose, only the bad feeling and that negative voice in your head. How cool is that?
The Magic of Affirmation Power book and audiobook have opened my heart and mind to the true power of my thoughts and beliefs. Awakening in me the realization and knowing that I am the creator of what is in my body, heart, and mind. Every time I read it or listen to it through the strong intention and light from Michele(the author) greater shifts happen. My energy rises, I feel happier and more connected to my true essence, my Higher Self. I highly recommend this book to start creating a life filled with All of the Good that you desire.
The author shares her true experience of miraculous healing through the power of singing affirmations because they stay with you like a jingle. She has filled the book and songs with so much love, light, and happiness making it a joy to read or listen to. She is inspiring and full of Love and Playfulness.
Michele Blood really knows the highest way to use affirmations to help improve one’s life. You can use the information in this book to immediately start a daily affirmation routine choosing the ones that resonate the most for you and your life and this will assist you to keep your mind more and more consciously aimed in a positive growth-filled direction. A reprogramming of your inner mind chatter will occur and amazing changes in your life circumstances will follow. This book, therefore, is definitely in the life-changing category and I highly recommend it. Also, there is an audiobook version too and it rocks!
Author has done a fabulous job explaining the power of affirmations. Until I read the book and try it for myself, I had no idea how useful affirmations were. In the book, it is also the story of the author how she healed herself using affirmations. This inspired me very much.
One of the primer points for me is the fact how the brain works and how music helps in rewiring the brain. This book makes you conscious of your own mind and makes you feel more with more self confidence and make decisions easier
The Magic of Affirmation Power is a fascinating book. Michele Blood tells her life story after she had a near death car accident and how she fully recovered by creating affirmations and put them into music since it was non-existing at the time, from her hospital bed.
Michele explains the science behind it. Affirmation plus music enters your subconscious mind much faster than just Affirmations because it is registered on the right and left side of the brain simultaneously. It is a great read. I highly recommend it to everyone.
I absolutely love Michele's book, it is my 2nd bible! LOL A power house gal/writer/healer that brings inspiration, hope and love to the world. I love her energy and enthusiasm and hope to be more like her. Thank you Michelle, I can't say enough of the good and enlightenment you bring to the world. May you be blessed 10 fold. I am grateful our paths met. I keep this book on my desk and draw upon the wisdom when I need a lift, inspiration, or just seeking some fun and laughter.
I just loved The Magic of Affirmation Power book from start to finished. I found it so uplifting and helpful I actually never realised how powerful my thoughts could be and now instead of negative thoughts I find myself checking myself more and more and changing to positive thoughts. The author offers a lot of tools to help you along. I also bought the CD and I have it playing nonstop even while I am sleeping!
Before reading this book, I didn't quite fully understand how affirmations worked. I understood the theory behind it, but I couldn't quite connect to that experience that I was looking for. This book completely changed everything for me. I now understand that affirmations are not just words, but a beautiful portal to connect with the depths of my soul. This book has shown me what endless possibility truly looks like, and how accessible it is to all of us, just from the power of our own thought.
I really enjoyed "The Magic of Affirmation Power". This book is life-changing! It teaches you how to love yourself, how to quiet your mind, and love your life. It teaches how to feel love every moment of your life, feel happiness all the time and it raises your vibrations through the affirmations that the author explains in the book. When you join the affirmations and the music… magic happens! I would read it again and again.
I very much enjoyed this book. The author was able to convey "affirmation" in the simplest of terms. Reading "The Magic of Affirmation Power," I felt I was able to grasp those very ideas and understand my thought process at the same time. Change myself to what I want in life. A very powerful book if you follow and resonate with it.
Michele does an awesome job of explaining and laying out just how valuable this book is in understanding and creating the life you want. The Magic Of Affirmation Power makes it easy to understand and follow through. A great life-changing book!
Very powerful book. I love to read it and I love the audio version is well. It is really motivating and I love that I can listen anywhere and I feel really magical after I listening the chapters and songs.♥️😍
DeLightful, Light reading about the path towards enLIGHTenment using affirmations and practical building habits that will serve to support a journey towards more health, more joy, more abundance, more love, more peace, more FREED-OM!! A must-read if these are what you seek...
This book transformed my life in many unbelievable ways. There's a reason behind its name because it works like MAGIC if you take action. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to go beyond their limitations. I'll be forever grateful.
This is a great read and I also got the audio-book. My opinion the audiobook is even better!! So much value in listening to the author saying the affirmations and the music, it´s more like an expensive program!
This book is light, easy, and fun to read, but quite scientific. It makes you conscious, responsible and shows you how to take ownership over your own mind, life, and fate.
Michele Blood's energy is incredible. She is a walking billboard for what she teaches, a high vibration being. I thank her for the work she is doing in the world. I love it, and she's right about the two hemispheres of the brain working together through her Affirmation Power Music Songs. Everything moving in harmony. Beautiful.
I joined The Mystical Experience because I had hit a low point and just really felt directed to get involved with Michele and her mission. So my progress has been mostly subtle, though recognizable. Then, Michele offered a prayer session last Sunday and I was able to attend. I sat in meditation listening to Michele’s prayer and guidance. I felt heaviness pressing down on my heart and gradually ascending into my throat, and then the tears came to release the build up of tension. Then, I drank a lot of water and remained very quiet. The next day, I knew something was changed! I feel lighter and happier without any outside influences! I am excited because I truly feel that I am changing from the inside out with Michele’s energy and help! Thank you Michele! You are wonderful and I look forward to continuous changes for the better!"
"Dearest Angel, Very fast miracle. Transfer to Kochin City came in 20 hours. Only first part of a promotion left. It’s incredibly beautiful. It has to be felt to be believed. I am grateful for your kind blessed light. Improved my health also. Thanking your beautiful soul"
"Thank you very much for your priceless energy transformation. Since Sunday my husband has been transforming in a good way. After a really long time he is interested in me and hugs me kisses me and I can see the love in his eyes. This is like miracle and how much I appreciate your help"
"I just wanted to tell you that I have received what I asked for in the prayer request. My prayer was answered! I just wanted you to know of this wonderful outcome. Of what I believe was divine intervention and you had a part in it. The way it happened was a miracle, no doubt about it"
"Thank you for the prayer call tonight. This was the first one I’d received from you and I can feel the warmth of the energy in various areas of my body, while you were talking/praying and even now. Mainly in my kidneys, spleen and heart area. I appreciate you and what you’re doing. Thank You"
"As more I’m reading the website and watching your videos the more I want to join The Mystical Experience. I was on a phone listening to prayers twice and really felt peace and quite"
"I am so happy and grateful for the two telephone prayers you generously offered on the past two weeks. In addition, I am grateful for the prayer transmission you did for me a couple of weeks ago. I see and feel my life getting better and better"
"Thank you for the energy, John my husband has change nice and Asger my son is has also :0) And it is more easy for me to connect to people in my business, great, thank you Michele for the The Mystical Experience membership and energy"
"I want to say that I’ve been feeling my heart open more and more, thank you for that! I want to share something with you, it’s an experience that filled my being with joy. Thank you for giving me this experience, it is this that I have been yearning for for so long. I knew I knew this someplace, somewhere, I had just forgotten for a little while"
"Many thanks, I and my son are from the Philippines and in your last energy transmission where I requested that you include me and my son, and then I sent his and my photo, that time I suppose after you prayed for us, we were able to sleep like a baby. My son has very high grades in his examination in the morning after we have been prayed for by you"
"Your prayers helped me to find a job working with developmentally disabled Souls. So many Miracles"
"I wanted to thank you again for who you are and what you do. God has given to the world a special gift with you. He is truly working through you. It’s been about two weeks now since I was on the special meditation call that you opened up to many people. Thank you for doing that! Since joining I continue to live each day with much more joy and happiness. I feel like I am being reborn and my consciousness is awakening"
"Being part of the The Mystical Experience had healed so many wounds that my past had left me with, and it has allowed me to move forward so much in bravery and perseverance. As a member, I feel so honored to be part of such beautiful love. Never in my life have I felt so close to a circle of such open and loving people. Being part of the mystical path had broken so many of the restricting chains of resistance I had"
"Thank you so much Michelle. You did prayers for me last Christmas and almost everything came true! I enjoy seeing what more there is to come"
"A quick note Michele to let you know that I had one of the best weeks in a long time. I am on a very large global computer system project that has a lot of negative energy associated with it because of the perceived time constraints with the amount of work to do. Many of the people on this project are frustrated which I was one of them until this past week. I believe it was the prayer last Saturday that changed my energy levels and something else in me because since then I am not worried about meeting the project deadlines. I am at peace, energized and very positive knowing things will work out. I feel transformed"
"It is with a heart full of gratitude that I am writing this email tonight. I’ve just finished watching the meditation DVD, and for that I am grateful. Your face shines because of the Love and Gratitude that you have for the Divine/God. and your Prayer recording also made a major shift in my heart. The words cannot describe how grateful I am to have found you when I did. My prayers to God were to end my life if I had to continue living the same way. For without God in my life, I am nothing. And I forgot to listen to my heart and more importantly I forgot the main ingredient: GRATITUDE. So dear Michele thank you from the bottom of my heart for your Love of the Divine/God and for sharing with me/us the simple steps to get closer to God"
"I am blown away with Michele’s enthusiasm and genuine energy. I have followed her work and Bob Proctors for years and I attended a meditation seminar she was holding and I was blown away. It seemed to fit into everything I had always known the theory of what my own mystical projects were about. Now I’m a member of her The Mystical Experience with ongoing meditation, lectures, and support material. This is helping me stay true to purpose, direction"
"The Mystical Experience is one of those all too rare one-of-a-kind true and effective guides to generating ongoing wealth and prosperity consciousness on all levels. Now, thanks to Michele Blood, new life and vitality has not only been breathed into my life. Her ground-breaking effort and contribution to the well-being of people on a global scale is truly a gift that keeps on giving!"
"The mystical teaching is so personal & intimate, The Grace that is received thru Michele by us, like in the Webinar, or through the monthly DVD’s, opens one up to one’s heart. This action that is so dazzling & mysterious & giving of sovereignty, & fulfilling the longing of one’s soul"
"Somehow I ended up at one of Michele Blood’s seminar’s I had no idea at the time of WHO Michele Blood was. After hearing her speak for just a few moments, tears began to fill my eyes. I knew instantly that there was no mistake about WHY I had come to her seminar. I felt that my angel, guide and new dearest friend was about to help me on my journey of life and to fill in the blanks of what was about to become “my destiny”. Michele helped me to tap into the depths of my soul and has given me Direction and pointers that were invaluable"
"I can get the most powerful, up-lifting and energizing emotions when I participate in any of Michele’s in-person or webinar sessions. Michele brings my life back into absolute consciousness. I absolutely feel I achieve a higher consciousness with each and every one of Michele’s sessions. Thank you, thank you, thank you…. I am gaining momentum to my higher self, to reaching my unlimited consciousness"
"I want to say Thank You So Much for all that you’re doing. I really so much appreciate, love and cherish every call, CD, DVD, events, etc… You’ve made my life alive again. Thank you, Thank you"
"The Mystical Advancement & Success Event has instantaneously and profoundly changed my life for the better-and I am so grateful. I am so grateful to the Divine through Michele, which has awakened that within me, and brought forth graces I had never conceived of"
Hi Michele. I listened to the episode you did with Melissa on the MindLove podcast and just want to say it was my favorite one yet. Something shifted when listening to you and I wanted to thank you for sharing your story and for the energy it evoked. I’m very grateful to have come across it when I did.
"Michele Blood is truly a special person. For over three decades, I have made serious study of the mind and how to live a full and balanced life. I have taught tens of thousands of people around the world how to properly utilize their God-given potential, and then along came Michele Blood. She had a very positive impact on my life, for which I am truly grateful! She made me aware of unique methods for realizing more power by effectively combining affirmations and music. Invest in her entire library and let this petite powerhouse show you a fast and effective way to enjoy more of life’s rich rewards. I enthusiastically introduce Michele Blood and her wonderful work to every audience. Order her material today! Share Michele and MusiVation™ discovery with your world; they will thank you with sincere gratitude."

"My experience with Michele's material is that it works almost instantly. You will notice an immediate change in the way that you think and feel. You will notice an immediate change in the way you act, and react, and respond. It activates your reticular cortex. You begin to see possibilities that you hadn't seen before, and you may even see results within twenty-four hours. Many people do. Well, what she's done is she's been able to infuse the most important messages of success together with music. She's been able to infuse them with music so that they actively go in and affect the subconscious mind and bring about permanent behavior change. And that's the critical thing in success and achievement."

I experienced the profound awareness of “There is only NOW” and everything is an illusion except Enlightenment. Nothing else is real. Thank you for the Light Transmissions with the Divine through you.

The most amazing thing about it is, that when you connect to this energy to help someone. You are really raising your own connection and consciousness so fast. I am growing in vibration and feeling alive inside.