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The Power Of Affirmations

The Power Of Affirmations

The Power Of Affirmations
Michele Blood

Please NEVER underestimate the power of the spoken word. This may sound familiar. “In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God. The WORD was God. And all things were made by the WORD. Without the WORD was not anything made that was made.”

Here, the good book clearly teaches us that the physical universe is simply WORD in form. Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Vishnu, and many other great prophets said the same thing, just in different ways. “Do not judge, lest you be judged.” “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

The Divine Presence is so generous, giving, and loving and lives within you. You are part of the loving Divine. The Divine in you is the same in your neighbor. Before you can change the world, you have to change yourself. Change your thinking. We are what we think. It is our faith that heals us. It is what we believe. “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, he will achieve.” Napoleon Hill stated that quite clearly.

What have you been creating in your life, with your spoken word? You are the co-creator of all. This news is happy. I want you to be happy with this news. You can now create all good into your life. Forget about luck. You create your own so-called luck. Don’t look at any person, place, or thing as your supply. Trust and know that the Divine Eternal Mind, or whatever you choose to call your higher power, is the source of all your supply. So please, let go and let God. And remember, don’t take life so seriously. SMILE!

As you sing, speak, and write your affirmations, always remember to smile. Show your teeth, gums, and all. Make your dentist proud. No matter how you are feeling, always remember to smile. It takes half as many muscles to smile as it does to frown. Look at yourself in the mirror. Make a funny face. SMILE! So, as you are singing and speaking your affirmations, stand in front of the mirror, dance around, and really let go. Dress up if you like. Shout it out. This is fun and extremely magnetic. Be fearless. Have fun on your way to riches. You are the creator of all your emotions. It all starts with a thought. It is changing your state of mind. Decide now to have happy emotions and happy thoughts.

You must know at once and without any doubt that you are the one who is choosing fear, phobia, superstition, or sadness. Everything you created is through your previous thinking. If you want to know what thoughts you had yesterday, look at your life today, your body shape, your relationships, and your financial situation. How will your tomorrow’s look? Your body? Your relationships? Your finances? It’s quite simple. You know the secret now! LOOK AT YOUR THOUGHTS TODAY. Emotions show up in the body as physical manifestations of your thoughts.


Start singing a happy tune. Remember, you and you alone must continually feed yourself positive thoughts. Condition yourself to exist at a higher level of excellence today than yesterday. Get your positive momentum going. It is like your body. You can’t go to an exercise class just one day and expect to have a toned body. You have to be consistent. Society may predict, but only you can determine your destiny. Make your own conscious decisions. As Ernest Holmes said,


Positive changes can be created in moments. The level and emotions you feel can speed up your changes. That’s why affirmations to music are so powerful. It helps to speed up the level of vibration. Willpower by itself is not enough, not if you want to achieve lasting changes. The affirmations in my books and on my albums are not only for yourself. Give them to your whole family, and even to your friends. We even have a special album of affirmation songs for young children. (I Can Do It. Positive Self Esteem Songs For KIDZ.) Let your children sing along. These young minds will be overflowing with good thoughts, and then they will create wonderful tomorrows. Be the role model, and everyone will want to learn your secret. You can tell them it all started with a thought and a happy song.


An affirmation is, an affirmation is, yes, it is something you say repeatedly. It is a statement of word, thought, feeling, or action which confirms a belief system or patterning that we hold in our subconscious mind. Now, these can be negative or positive. It’s up to you to decide to choose negative or positive thoughts. For example, “I am miserable because my hair is falling out.” Or, “I am now so happy because I no longer need my hair cut.” You see, it’s all perspective. Your subconscious mind believes everything you tell it. The subconscious mind is subjective. If you tell it enough, it believes and manifests that thought and positive state of mind into your reality.

From now on, choose only positive statements. Repeat them over and over again. Your affirmations must always be stated in the now for the subconscious only knows now and must be personalized. If you say, “I wish to be rich and healthy,” your subconscious will never know when you want it as you are only wishing. Instead say, “I am now abundantly rich and healthy because I am earning more money every day, and my income always exceeds my needs. Extra money comes to me every week through Divine, Magical, Happy Ways.”

You see, as far as your subconscious is concerned, everything is now. So, saying you want to be, or you’re going to be, or you wish to be isn’t now. You must always state it in the now, then set your goal and be specific.

Say right NOW,

I am strong I am beautiful, I only attract good in my life
I Am A Magnet to Money

You become a magnet to what you are affirming. You are what you think about because thoughts become things. As you are reading this, if anything stands out, underline it. The more you understand, the more magnetic you become as your vibration quickens. When you use positive affirmations, you are feeding your subconscious with positive programming or conditioning. The process is simply planting good seeds of thought instead of bad. If you plant a strawberry seed, strawberries will grow. If you plant negative thoughts, only negative conditions will manifest.

Remember, the subconscious only knows NOW. Affirmations, as well as your goals, must be felt and believed. If they can’t be felt and believed, use my affirmation songs or make up your own songs. It might sound repetitive, but I truly want you to get it, whatever your “it” is. Become magnetic with positive thoughts. Manifest your good now.

Singing along to musical affirmations is very powerful and so fast as every word plants itself straight into your subconscious mind. Even if you are simply listening to the music, allow it to go around and around in your mind. It is like, for example, a cat food jingle. Instead of hearing, “I love my kitty food,” when you may not even own a cat, start singing to yourself the affirmation song I am gifting you at the end of this article.


I know what I prefer to be planting in my mind. Writing down your affirmations is also very powerful, as you are using most of your senses.


When you begin to write, listen, and sing your affirmations, make sure you are affirming what you want and not what you don’t want. Here is an example, instead of saying, “I don’t want to be fat anymore,” say instead, “I am now at my perfect weight, looking good and feeling great!”

Create more joy and fun in your life. Life wasn’t meant to be serious, and making money wasn’t meant to be serious. Life is happening now, and you are here to enjoy every single moment. Your subconscious mind is a very obedient servant. Be clear that what you ask for is what you truly want to manifest. Otherwise, edit it from your mind. My good friend Bob Proctor has taught me a very quick and easy way to get a negative thought from the mind. Simply say, “Next!”

Next, affirmations are the foundation of your building. Think of it that way. The building is your goal, and your intention is to create. The affirmations support the building so that you can and will achieve all of your most loved goals. Continually feed yourself good thoughts, build up that foundation. You deserve the best! Say right now, “I am the best!”

“I ______________am the best.”
(Add your name)

Be careful of what you read. Don’t allow other people to think for you. What you generally read about and hear in the news is unhealthy consumption. The truth is, there is far more good in this world than bad. If you were to interview people in the roughest and poorest neighborhood this very day, you would probably find they had a safe and relatively trouble-free day.

Most of what you read and hear in the news is magnified to sell. What do they say? Bad news sells. I’m telling you now that good news sells and will sell you on having a wonderful and exciting lifestyle. Only allow yourself to hear good news, be grateful, read positive books, listen to positive people, and positive music. Very soon, you will find you are attracting, just like a magnet, other positive people and positive opportunities. Actually, negative people may feel uncomfortable around you. Please never be concerned about what people think of you. Most people are only thinking about their own life, and not yours. As Terry Cole Whittaker says, “What other people think of me is none of my business.”

You are part of a universe that is abundantly unlimited. Therefore, being part of this universe, you are abundantly unlimited. Take a look at all the stars in the sky, the leaves on the trees, the grains of sand on the beach, as well as plants and animal life. We are living in absolute abundance. It is almost as if it were over-abundant. There is waste everywhere, and whoever told you that money doesn’t grow on trees? Rubbish! Money does grow on trees. One form of money is what? That’s right. Paper. What is paper made from? Yes, trees. Now other forms of money are gold, silver, copper, nickel, diamonds, opals, emeralds, and many more riches from our abundant Mother Earth. It is a recycling of nature into new energy forms and exchange.

Look at all that nature has to offer; The Divine does not skimp! We are all surrounded by abundance. Write down your affirmations a minimum of fifteen times every day, so that they will grow into a beautiful tree of prosperous thoughts. Write them down and whenever you need a lift, open and read. Feel grateful to The Divine and Focus on abundance.

Write a gratitude list every night before going to sleep. The more you are grateful, the more you will attract what there is to be grateful for in this world. It is a beautiful cycle of increase and joy.

When you start feeding your mind positive thoughts, you will attract creative ideas, perfect opportunities, and wonderful people. Yes, you become a magnet to all good experiences, including money. Then, the secret is to take action. When opportunities arrive, get up, and take action. Then, and only then, can you be a catalyst to show others how to experience the same. Be the example. Think about what you say. Know that you are creating your tomorrows with your thoughts today. Yes, I am repeating myself for this is the so-called big secret. I love you, and I know you can do it. We are all from one mind. Feel the love I have for you and the love you have for yourself. We are from the same universe and the same God of Love. I also recommend you work out regularly as this will also raise your vibration, and exercise makes one feel more positive.

Again, I am going to repeat myself. Only be with like-minded, happy, positive people. Go to seminars and workshops, and surround yourself in success. Surround yourself in abundance. If you must be with people whose energy is low or negative to you, change your thoughts about them. Everyone feels down sometimes, so have some compassion because the reason people get down is because they are in fear. You don’t have to hang out with them, however, don’t be so judgmental. We are all part of the omnipresent Divine. You will probably find as you change your thoughts about people, you will think they have changed. In reality, it is YOU who changes. Find something sincere to say to everyone, even if it is something as simple as, “How are the children?” or, “You’re wearing a nice tie today.” Everybody wants to be acknowledged. So, begin today by acknowledging yourself. Say right now, “I acknowledge myself and know my thoughts are powerful.” Write in your name.

I, _________________________, acknowledge myself and I know my thoughts are powerful.

I am going to gift you, for free, THREE of my favorite affirmation songs. I Am Healed, I Am A Magnet to Money, and Step By Step I Will Persist Until I Succeed.

Just go to the link below:

I wish you all the happiness and blessing the Divine has to give.

In Love and Oneness,
Michele Blood

Question 1. What does Ernest Holmes suggest about eliminating negative thoughts and affirming the positive?

Ernest Holmes emphasizes the importance of focusing on positive thoughts and diminishing negative ones. By consistently turning our attention away from negativity and toward affirmations, we can cultivate a habit of positive thinking. This practice gradually embeds itself into our mindset and influences our overall outlook on life.

Question 2. How does Ernest Holmes describe the power of thought?

Ernest Holmes suggests that the power of thought is immense and transformative. He posits that by aligning one’s thoughts with truth, individuals can manifest their deepest desires. This profound impact of thought is not merely about holding positive ideas but truly embodying and internalizing these thoughts in daily life. Holmes emphasizes that achieving this alignment with truth requires more than superficial thinking; it necessitates a deep understanding and genuine integration of those thoughts into one’s being. This, he believes, brings about a real change in one’s experiences.

Question 3. How does Ernest Holmes define the power in the Universe?

Ernest Holmes articulates the universal power as a singular, pervasive force accessible to everyone. In his book, The Science of Mind: The Definitive Edition, Holmes emphasizes that this power is not exclusive to any one person or group. Instead, it is an omnipresent energy that each individual can harness and utilize to shape their lives and realities. This concept underscores the potential within every person to tap into this boundless resource for personal growth and transformation.

Question 4. What does Ernest Holmes believe about the impact of correct thinking on one’s desires?

Ernest Holmes holds the belief that our thoughts, when aligned correctly, have the power to manifest our desires into reality. He argues that it’s not merely the act of thinking that brings about this change, but a profound understanding and embodiment of truth in one’s thoughts. Essentially, Holmes contends that by truly internalizing and living by our correct thoughts, we can invite the experiences we seek into our lives.

Question 5. How does Ernest Holmes describe his connection to the Divine Mind and Truth?

Ernest Holmes intricately outlines his profound connection to the Divine Mind and Truth through a vivid and affirmative depiction. He perceives himself as an active center within the Divine Mind, characterized by a consciousness filled with divine life, truth, and action. Holmes emphasizes that his personal and professional engagements are overseen and orchestrated by divine guidance, ensuring that his actions yield correct and beneficial results.

Holmes underscores that his thoughts, words, and actions are invigorated by Truth. He is confident that there is immense power in his words because they are rooted in Truth. According to him, his life is perpetuated by right action, which possesses divine power, specifically the power of God or the Living Spirit Almighty.

Daily, Holmes believes he is sustained and directed by divine ideas effortlessly. This divine guidance compels him to act appropriately and speak aptly at all times. He maintains that his mind is free from negative thoughts related to age, poverty, and other limitations, thereby nurturing a state of happiness, wellness, and vitality.

Holmes asserts that the Spirit of Truth resides within him, making him acutely aware of his divine connection. His words are portrayed as potent, manifesting their intended outcomes without fail. He has an unwavering belief in the Truth, dismissing any doubts or uncertainties, which he claims, frees his mind and solidifies his consciousness in the Truth.

Question 6. How does Ernest Holmes view the right to live and enjoy life?

Ernest Holmes believes that living fully and experiencing joy are fundamental aspects of existence. According to Holmes, to be truly well and happy, and to exercise one’s freedom, aligns with higher principles and wisdom. He views these elements—well-being, happiness, and freedom—as intrinsic rights that resonate with a universal, divine order.

Question 7. What does Ernest Holmes say about the search for success and happiness?

Ernest Holmes suggests that the quest for success and happiness is unnecessary. According to Holmes, there’s no need to keep seeking out some hidden formula or elusive key. He believes that the opportunity for achieving both is already available to everyone. The metaphorical door to success and happiness is already open, and anyone who desires it can step through.

Question 8. How does Ernest Holmes describe the nature of human consciousness and creative power?

Ernest Holmes delves into human consciousness and its innate creative power by asserting that there is an undeniable, responsive force in the Universe. He emphasizes that every individual must experience this connection personally and profoundly. Holmes believes that this understanding of consciousness should be so deeply ingrained that even if the entire world dismissed it, one’s conviction would remain unshaken.

Question 9. What are Ernest Holmes’s views on living life to its fullest?

Ernest Holmes emphasizes that life should be lived with joy and fullness rather than simply endured. He highlights the importance of preparing one’s mind to welcome the best experiences that life has to offer. Holmes suggests that our actions should promote life, happiness, and peace, as long as they do not harm others. This mindset aligns with what he considers to be in harmony with divine law and wisdom.

Holmes believes firmly that enjoying life and being well in both body and mind are essential aspects of living according to higher principles. He encourages the idea that embarking on daily activities with a sense of self-discovery can lead us to uncover hidden strengths within ourselves and recognize the power that underpins everything in the universe.

In essence, Holmes views living life to its fullest as embracing happiness, wellness, and freedom, all while being mindful of the broader, universal principles of harmony and respect.

Question 10. What is Ernest Holmes’s stance on the existence of a responsive consciousness in the Universe?

Ernest Holmes holds a firm belief in the existence of a responsive consciousness within the Universe. He asserts that there is an intelligent power that interacts with us in a direct, definite, and dynamic manner. Holmes emphasizes that this understanding must become deeply personal. Each individual needs to reach a point in their awareness where this connection is vivid and undeniable, regardless of others’ beliefs or skepticism. In Living the Science of Mind, Holmes underscores the importance of this personal realization, suggesting that one’s inner conviction should stand strong even if universally challenged.

Question 11. What is the importance of knowing the truth according to Ernest Holmes?

According to Ernest Holmes, understanding the truth has a liberating effect on an individual. This enlightenment leads to a profound personal freedom, suggesting that truth is not merely a static concept but a dynamic force that can change lives. Holmes implies that truth is self-evident once it’s truly comprehended. This understanding aligns with the broader belief that knowledge, particularly self-awareness, can unravel constraints and foster a sense of inner liberation. By embracing truth, individuals can overcome limitations and realize their fullest potential.

In essence, Holmes teaches that the journey to self-discovery and genuine freedom is rooted in the pursuit and realization of truth.

Question 12. What advice does Ernest Holmes give about preparing one’s mind for life’s best offerings?

Ernest Holmes advises that mental preparation is key to receiving the best life has to offer. He suggests that when we ready our minds, we’re more open to opportunities and positive experiences. This preparation involves cultivating a mindset geared toward growth, gratitude, and receptiveness to new possibilities. Essentially, by aligning our thoughts and attitudes positively, we pave the way for life’s finest offerings to come our way.

Question 13. How does Ernest Holmes describe the journey of self-discovery?

Ernest Holmes describes the journey of self-discovery as an enriching and profound experience. He portrays it as not just an exploration of one’s own identity, but also as a means to uncover the inherent potential and hidden essence within others. According to Holmes, this journey involves recognizing the underlying force that connects and energizes everything in the universe, thereby understanding both the self and the universal power that underpins all existence.

Question 14. What does Ernest Holmes say about Jesus’s role as an example?

Ernest Holmes emphasizes that Jesus should not be seen as a unique, unattainable figure, but rather as a guiding model for others to follow. Holmes suggests that Jesus embodies principles and behaviors that anyone can aspire to, presenting him as a prototype of living a meaningful and enlightened life. Essentially, Jesus’s life serves as a practical blueprint for personal growth and spiritual development, demonstrating ideals that are accessible and applicable to everyone.

Question 15. What attitude does Ernest Holmes recommend towards the law of attraction?

Ernest Holmes advocates for an attitude of calmness and peace when engaging with the law of attraction. He suggests that there should be no rush or anxiety. Instead, one should foster a tranquil and grounded mindset. By doing so, you allow the law to function seamlessly and manifest itself naturally in your experiences. Essentially, Holmes emphasizes a serene and composed approach to let the universal laws operate effectively.

Question 16. How does Ernest Holmes view the relationship between freedom and the understanding of natural laws?

Ernest Holmes sees freedom as something attainable through the comprehension and application of natural laws, rather than through mystical or occult practices. He emphasizes that the key to liberty lies in harnessing the inherent forces and principles of nature. According to Holmes, the Law of Mind represents a fundamental rule within the spiritual realm, suggesting that our thoughts and understanding play crucial roles in achieving true freedom.

In summary, Holmes advocates for a rational approach, where enlightenment and liberation are reached by tapping into and utilizing the natural laws that govern both the physical and spiritual worlds.

Question 17. What does Ernest Holmes believe about life and creative imagination?

Ernest Holmes views life as a boundless source of energy intertwined with an infinite creative imagination. He suggests that these two elements form the very essence and foundation of every visible entity. According to Holmes, the true nature of life embodies goodness, truth, wisdom, and beauty, alongside its core components of energy and imagination.

Holmes believes the ultimate fulfillment for individuals comes from consciously connecting with this unseen life force. He posits that all human efforts aim to return to these fundamental principles, seeking an inner completeness that dispels fear, doubt, and uncertainty.

Question 18. How does Ernest Holmes describe the presence and power greater than oneself?

Ernest Holmes portrays the presence and power greater than oneself as an all-encompassing and omniscient force that provides unwavering support and nurture. He emphasizes that this force is beyond human comprehension, far exceeding our own capabilities and understanding. Holmes believes this presence is always accessible, offering guidance and strength precisely where and when it is needed most.

Question 19. What is Ernest Holmes’s approach to meditation and the power for good?

Understanding Ernest Holmes’s Approach to Meditation and the Power for Good

Ernest Holmes, a notable spiritual leader and founder of the Science of Mind philosophy, emphasizes the intrinsic connection between individuals and a universal Power for Good in his approach to meditation.

Core Beliefs

At the heart of Holmes’s meditation practice is the belief in a benevolent, omnipresent force that nurtures and supports personal growth, happiness, peace, health, and success. He posits that this Power for Good is not just an external divine source but an integral part of every individual.

  • Affirmation of Oneness: Holmes’s meditative journey begins with recognizing the unity between oneself and this universal Life force. He often uses affirmations to internalize this connection, stating that the divine Life and his own life are one and the same, perfect and harmonious.
  • Flow and Circulation: According to Holmes, this divine Life flows through individuals, animating their being and aligning them with the rhythm of the Universe. He believes that this universal rhythm brings serenity, peace, and joy, purging any negativity or imperfection from one’s physical existence.

Practical Application

Holmes’s method also involves practical steps to harness this power for personal and communal benefit:

  • Guidance and Intelligence: By meditating, one can tap into Divine Intelligence, which provides guidance in every situation and circumstance. Holmes encourages trusting this intelligence to lead life with love, joy, and self-expression.
  • Prosperity and Blessing: During his meditations, Holmes focuses on blessing and prospering his activities. He believes that by aligning with the Law of Good, all actions are multiplied in their positive effects, leading to happiness and success.
  • Interconnectedness and Service: Recognizing the interconnection between all people, Holmes extends his meditative blessings to others. He believes that by affirming the common good and wellbeing of others, a silent Power flows through everyone, fostering healing, prosperity, and happiness.

Global Vision

Holmes also views the world as a collective entity influenced by individual actions and meditation. He envisions a world governed by Divine principles of good, love, and supreme intelligence. Through his meditations, he blesses the world and affirms a future under the Divine governance, reflecting his faith in a universal transformation driven by collective positive intent.

In Summary

Ernest Holmes’s approach to meditation is a holistic practice that integrates personal affirmation, divine connection, practical application, and global vision. By tapping into the Power for Good, he believes individuals can achieve personal success, contribute to the wellbeing of others, and ultimately lead to a world imbued with divine harmony and intelligence.

Question 20. How does Ernest Holmes explain the concept of life as a mirror?

Ernest Holmes encapsulates the idea that our external world reflects our internal thoughts and beliefs. Essentially, he suggests that the reality we experience is a direct consequence of what we mentally project. If you consistently focus on positive thoughts, opportunities, and solutions, life’s “mirror” will reflect positivity and growth back to you.


  • Negative Thoughts: Dwelling on negative ideas, fears, and anxieties will manifest similar negativity in your life.
  • Neutral Outlook: A passive or indifferent mindset may result in a stagnant, uneventful existence.

Holmes urges people to be mindful of their internal dialogue. By aligning your thoughts with your goals and aspirations, you can actively shape your life’s experiences in a more favorable direction.

In summary, Holmes teaches that our minds act as the architects of our realities. What we think, we ultimately become.

Question 21. How does Ernest Holmes explain the perception of unloveliness in others?

Ernest Holmes suggests that the way individuals perceive negativity in others is a reflection of their inner state. Essentially, if someone primarily sees flaws or undesirable qualities in those around them, it’s because those very traits exist within themselves.

Holmes explains that the perspective one has on others is shaped by their internal world. The negative light cast on others originates from within the observer’s soul, impacting their interpretation based on personal biases and choices. Thus, seeing “unloveliness” externally is a mirror to one’s own internal mindset and inclinations.

Question 22. What role does love play in Ernest Holmes’s philosophy?

The Role of Love in Ernest Holmes’s Philosophy

In Ernest Holmes’s philosophy, love is central and transformative. Holmes views love as the ultimate healing force, capable of reaching everyone we encounter and being reciprocated in return. This mutual exchange of love fosters an environment of goodwill and positivity.

Love is not just an emotion, but a guiding principle. Holmes trusts love to lead him through life’s challenges, transforming ordinary experiences into extraordinary ones. It’s a force that purifies, forgives, and makes everything it touches better.

Moreover, love has the power to convert fear into faith and weakness into strength. It’s a universal force that opens up pathways, making them clear and joyous. For Holmes, love is synonymous with the power of good in the universe, a guiding light that heals and enriches all aspects of life.

Question 23. What analogy does Ernest Holmes use to describe the existence and use of natural laws?

Ernest Holmes likens natural laws to electricity in his explanation of their existence and use. He points out that just as electricity has always been a part of the universe—even during historical events like Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt—natural laws have always existed. According to Holmes, these laws can only be utilized when they are properly understood. This analogy illustrates that while natural laws are constant and unchanging, our ability to harness and apply them depends on our knowledge and comprehension.

Question 24. What is Ernest Holmes’s perspective on true imagination?

Ernest Holmes views true imagination as a profound and divine force. He distinguishes it from mere daydreaming, suggesting that genuine imagination carries a sense of inspiration and vitality. For Holmes, true imagination is more than idle fancy; it is a powerful, almost celestial energy that propels creative thought and innovation. Such imagination is imbued with a fervor that elevates it beyond ordinary musings, painting it as a burst of creativity descending from a higher realm.

Question 25. What does Ernest Holmes say about limiting one’s view of life?

Ernest Holmes advises against allowing past experiences to restrict your perspective on life. He encourages us to maintain an open and expansive outlook, free from the constraints of previous events or circumstances. Instead of letting the past dictate your future, Holmes suggests embracing a broader and more limitless view, fostering growth and new possibilities.

Question 26. What criteria does Ernest Holmes suggest for determining the righteousness of an action?

Criteria for Determining Righteousness According to Ernest Holmes

Ernest Holmes offers a clear guideline for evaluating the morality of an action. He proposes a two-fold criterion:

  • Personal Benefits: First, assess whether the proposed action contributes positively to your own life. This includes enhancing your happiness, peace, and overall sense of well-being.
  • Non-Harmful to Others: Simultaneously, ensure that the action does not inflict harm or negative consequences on anyone else.

If the action meets both these conditions—enriching your life while leaving others unharmed—Holmes considers it to be morally sound and free from selfishness.

Question 27. How does Ernest Holmes relate the philosophy of Christianity to global issues?

Ernest Holmes connects the philosophy of Christianity to the resolution of global issues by asserting that adherence to its principles would lead to significant positive changes worldwide. He suggests that if people truly lived by the tenets of Christianity, conflicts like wars would come to an end, and widespread unhappiness would diminish.

Holmes also argues that economic challenges could be overcome and poverty eradicated. Furthermore, he believes that the innate cruelty humans often show each other would transform into a spirit of mutual assistance and support. Thus, Holmes implies that the philosophy of Christianity holds the potential to address and resolve many of the world’s most pressing problems.

Question 28. What common themes are found in Ernest Shurtleff Holmes’s quotes?

Common Themes in Ernest Shurtleff Holmes’s Quotes

Ernest Shurtleff Holmes’s writings consistently explore several profound themes. Here’s a breakdown of the recurring topics in his work:

  1. Unlimited Potential and Positive Thinking: Holmes frequently emphasizes the limitless nature of human potential. He encourages readers to see life beyond past experiences, suggesting an optimistic and expansive view of what is possible.
  2. Faith in a Higher Presence: Another central theme is the belief in a higher Presence or Power. Holmes often speaks of a divine force that nurtures, supports, and surrounds individuals, providing a foundation for life.
  3. Life as a Reflective Mirror: The idea that life reflects back what we think into it is a recurring thread. Holmes proposes that our thoughts shape our reality, and by controlling our mindsets, we can influence our circumstances.
  4. Joyful Living: Holmes advocates for a life lived in joy and fullness. He rejects the notion of merely enduring life and instead promotes a vision of abundant and joyful existence.
  5. Universal Power Utilization: The belief in a singular, universal power that everyone can tap into is another strong theme. Holmes suggests that this power is accessible to all and can be harnessed for personal and communal benefit.
  6. Love as a Central Force: Love is portrayed as the central healing power in life. Holmes contends that embracing love and allowing it to flow to others is a key component of a fulfilled and harmonious life.
  7. The Power of Thought: Holmes places significant emphasis on the power of thought. He believes that the more faith one places in their thoughts, the more real and powerful those thoughts become.
  8. Scientific and Spiritual Certainty: A combination of scientific and spiritual certainty appears throughout his work. Holmes argues for a clear, definitive understanding of a conscious and responsive Universe that interacts dynamically with individual beliefs.
  9. Living in Accord with Divine Law: Lastly, Holmes asserts that living well, happily, and freely aligns with Divine Law and Wisdom. He suggests that wellness and joy are not only desirable but are in harmony with the natural order of the universe.

These themes highlight Holmes’s holistic approach to spirituality, combining metaphysical concepts with practical advice for a fulfilling life.

Question 29. What are some inspirational quotes by Ernest Shurtleff Holmes?

Ernest Shurtleff Holmes has left behind a legacy of thought-provoking and uplifting quotes that continue to inspire people today. Here are some of his most impactful quotes:

On Imagination and Creativity:

  • “True imagination is not fanciful daydreaming; it is fire from heaven.”
  • “Life is infinite energy coupled with limitless creative imagination. It is the invisible essence and substance of every visible form.”

On Life and Living:

  • “Life is not just something to be endured. It is to be lived in joy, in a fullness without limit.”
  • “As I go forth today and embark on the wonderful experience of living, I am on a journey of self-discovery and also of the discovery of the self hidden in everyone and the Power in back of everything.”

On Mindset and Thought:

  • “Never limit your view of life by any past experience.”
  • “Prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer.”
  • “The more power one gives to his thought—the more completely he believes that his thought has power—the more power will it have.”

On Love and Unity:

  • “I believe that Love is at the center of everything; therefore, I accept Love as the healing power of life.”
  • “If one sees only unloveliness in others, it is because unloveliness is a strong element in himself.”

On Success and Happiness:

  • “Let us waste no further time looking for the secret of success or the key to happiness. Already the door is open and whosoever will may enter.”
  • “What we need to do is to eliminate the negative and accentuate the positive. In doing this, we gradually acquire the habit of affirmative thinking.”

On Philosophy and Belief:

  • “There is one power in the Universe and we can all use it.”
  • “Jesus was not the great exception; he was the great example.”

On Divine Power and Presence:

  • “I live in the faith that there is a Presence and Power greater than I am that nurtures and supports me in ways I could not even imagine.”
  • “His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me. This means we cannot wander from the presence of God, or depart from divine care.”

These quotes encapsulate Holmes’ philosophy of utilizing the power of positive thinking, the boundless potential of imagination, and the unifying force of love and divine presence in our lives.


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The Magic of Affirmation Power
